MRPV Structures Rehabilitation Package
Replacement, repair, and strengthening of a number of priority bridges and culverts in Melbourne’s north and south-east, to increase safety and maintain critical parts of the road network.
Key Services
Supported MRPV Delivery team to work with construction contractor, Decmil, through the construction phase.
CDSE worked with asset owners to help enable successful handover of the structures.
Surveillance on site, ensuring that all procedures and policies were followed correctly and that the structures were built to Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) specifications.

The Project
Due to the project being spread over such a wide geographic area, MRPV required additional engineering resources to help deliver the Structures Rehabilitation Project. Sites ranged from Whittlesea to the north of Melbourne, urban areas such as Coolaroo as well as in the south-east, as far as Tooradin.
Our Involvement
The team at CDSE Consulting brought their deep technical expertise, coupled with project management experience, to assist with each site’s careful delivery according to specifications. In addition, CDSE’s experience in on-site surveillance allowed MRPV surveillance officers to be redeployed to areas affected by the 2022 Victorian Floods.
The End Result
CDSE helped deliver the handover of six structures to DTP. Each handover relied on the relationship and trust built up over the construction of the full project.
CDSE’s services were important given the constraint of a firm programme of road shutdowns and traffic management, interface with rail at the Barry Rd over Craigieburn Rail Line bridge, and the challenge of completing these works during the 2022 Victorian floods.