Childs Road Upgrade
An extra lane in each direction on Childs Road between Beaumont Crescent and Prince of Wales Avenue, including new shared cycling and walking paths, safety barriers, signalisation of the intersection at Bowman Drive, and a new bridge built over Darebin Creek.
Key Services
Monitoring and tracking construction works for compliance with Project Specifications and Requirements.
Identifying potential construction issues, and working with the contractor, engineering team (internal and external) and surveillance team, to develop solutions.
Reviewing and closing out all relevant RFIs and NCRs.
Coordinating the completion process including handover to returned asset owners.
Mentoring and transferring knowledge to the project client and contractor teams.

The Project
CDSE was engaged by Major Road Projects Victoria (MRPV) to provide on-site engineering and management support to the MRPV and contractor teams, to support quality improvements and progress the construction program.
Our Involvement
CDSE provided leadership and management expertise to MRPV and Ace Contractors throughout the project construction phase. By bringing in practical experience and useful industry connections, CDSE consultants assisted in implementing efficient processes and providing solutions to benefit the project and people involved.
The End Result
CDSE helped deliver upskilling to project staff and successfully completed works meeting the Project Specification Requirements (PSR). The input provided by CDSE contributed to high-quality works and cost savings, effective liaison with project stakeholders, and eventuated in a smooth handover to the Department of Transport and Planning (DTP).